Pros and Cons of Working on Campus

Have you ever given thoughts of working for your own school? Working in campus does not mean, that you are financially distressed (read: desperate). Inversely, your own school acknowledge your skills.

For those who think that your pocket money needs some upgrade, here are my thoughts.

Flexible working time
Note that some companies (and positions) do not tolerate a flexible working hour. However, on campus, working is not our main priority. It is one way of spending our free time on campus. This way, it is not a secret that working in campus is the ultimate (in some way lol) job.

For those who want to get a job right after graduation, good resume is a must. Working on campus, say as a research assistant or a teaching assistant, is a plus for your future employer, especially in a consultant company, a research institute, or an educational institute.

Decent Pay
Do you not want to get paid by the institution where you have spent your money for your education? In addition, you can buy a new laptop, an ipod, or even a gadget that can utilize your study (what a noble purpose). For instance, as a teaching assistant, I received about IDR 100,000-150,000 (USD 10-15) for one lecture. If you think that it is underpaid, please consider it as an investment for a better CV and thoroughly a better future.

Social Networking
Do you think that being a professor's buddy is lame? No, it's not. It is a huge investment. When you have problems with an assignment, who will you ask? A computer geek, a basketball star, a hot chick, or a cute guy? (pardon me for the scapegoat).

I hope this post sheds a light on you guys. Thank you.
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tiki said...

sebenarnya enak sih bekerja di kampus, apalagi kalau almamater kita jadi tidak perlu menyesuaikan diri lagi. tapi ya harus dilihat juga kondisi kampus apakah menunjang untuk karir ke depannya atau tidak.

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